When you’re up to your earlobes in alligators, it’s hard to recall that your initial objective was to drain the swamp. —Old Florida Proverb A long-standing annual rite in the Florida Legislature is passage of an omnibus shared-owners…

When you’re up to your earlobes in alligators, it’s hard to recall that your initial objective was to drain the swamp. —Old Florida Proverb A long-standing annual rite in the Florida Legislature is passage of an omnibus shared-owners…
In South Africa, it’s called a “sectional title.” In Quebec, it’s a copropriété divise or “divided co-property.” In Italy, they call it “condominio,” derived from Latin. Regardless of location, a condominium—commonly referred to as “condo”…
In most instances, the board or management team of a condo or HOA is equipped to handle the wide variety of issues that arise day-to-day, from a leaky roof to dealing with municipal bureaucracy. There are other, bigger issues—things like e…
Some lucky—and wealthy—co-ops and condos offer the benefits of an indoor or outdoor swimming pool for their residents; it’s a splashy amenity that many people request when looking for a home…but there are many kinks, issues, and liabilitie…
Error of Omission? Q Our association recently had to replace a pool safety cover. It was 14 years old and just could not be patched anymore. We got quotes for the cover and selected a vendor. Thinking this replacement would be funde…
With dozens—and sometimes hundreds—of people living in a community governed by neighbors, acquaintances, and friends, disputes can transpire frequently, as is the case with condos and co-ops. Undoubtedly, disagreements among residents, boa…
Water, Water Everywhere Q Our condo was built in the early ‘80s. The developer didn’t have the foresight to include a slope or pitch when constructing the balconies. (My building has 6 floors, for example). Needless to say, when …
Returning Surplus Funds Q We are a 56-unit condominium. Our bylaws require that end-of-year excess funds be returned to unit owners either in a lump sum or credited to monthly installments until exhausted. Bylaws define excess funds…